mercoledì 30 maggio 2012

Italians do it better. Part 2.

I'm really curios about how many visitors I could pull into the blog with such a title.
By the way, let's start with the receipe. This time I'll try - and fail - in explaining you how to cook trofie (a kind of pasta) with bacon and potatoes.

Ingredients (for 4 persons)
  • 300g of trofie
  • 2.5dl ale
  • 1 large yellow potato
  • 60 g of bacon 
  • 1 small leek 
  • cinnamon
  • olive oil
  • salt and pepper
Instructions (30 mins time)
Clean the leeks by removing the roots and the green parts, wash, dry and chop. Peel potato and cut it into cubes. Chop into tiny slices the bacon.
In a saucepan with the oil on low heat fry the leek and bacon for a few minutes. Add to leek and bacon the diced potato and a pinch of cinnamon and let cook for 4 minutes, stirring now and then with a wooden spoon, then pour the beer, flavored with a pinch of salt and freshly ground pepper, bring to boil and cook on high heat for 10 minutes.
Meanwhile, boil the pasta in abundant salted boiling water. Drain the pasta, leaving it slightly damp, then pour it into the pan with the sauce and let them together season for a few seconds over high heat, stirring constantly.
Transfer the trofie on a serving platter and serve them at the table piping hot.
Buon appetito.
The result sholud be similar (hopefully better)  of this one.


Ingredienti (per 4 persone)

  • 300 g di trofie
  • 2,5 dl birra chiara
  • 1 grossa patata a pasta gialla
  • 60 g di pancetta
  • 1 piccolo porro
  • cannella
  • olio d'oliva
  • sale e pepe
Istruzioni (30 minuti)
Mondate il porro eliminando le radici e la parte verde, lavatelo, asciugatelo e tritatelo. Sbucciate la patata e tagliatela a cubetti. Riducete a listarelle la pancetta.
In un tegame con l'olio fate rosolare a fuoco dolce il porro e la pancetta per pochi minuti. Unite i cubetti di patata e un pizzico di cannella e lasciate rosolare per 4 minuti circa, mescolando di tanto in tanto con un cucchiaio di legno; poi bagnate con la birra, insaporite con un pizzico di sale e una macinata di pepe, portate a ebollizione e fate cuocere a fuoco vivace per 10 minuti.
Nel frattempo, lessate la pasta in abbondante acqua bollente salata. Scolatela, lasciandola leggermente umida, quindi versatela nel tegame con il condimento e fatela insaporire per qualche istante a fuoco vivo, mescolando.
Trasferite le trofie condite su un piatto da portata e servitele in tavola ben calde.

venerdì 25 maggio 2012

Don't panic

During past weeks it seemed to me that this blog has been starting to gain visitors and a kind of continuity.
Well, I have to apologize, but very soon this blog will get a more sporadic frequence than before.
The reason is very simple: finally I managed to find a job, starting from next Monday.
I can overtly say you that the hourly wage is 25CAD$, that makes roughly a 100% increase if compared to my previous one in Milan.
As Michel de Montaigne stated, "ambition is not a vice of little people" and I'll strive to do all my best in order to learn more stuff overtime and get a better salary.
Obviously I enjoy my spare time, and keep in touch with parents, relatives and friends too. Unfortunately next week will begin a complete hell, but one I chose.
Furthermore, where possibly in Italy could you find an employer that pays so good that you can buy an iPhone4 with a weekly wage?
So don't panic, folks (it's TowelDay, after all). I'll be back soon.
Take care,



Durante le scorse settimane mi è sembrato che questo blog è abbia cominciato a raccogliere visitatori e una sorta di continuità. Beh, devo scusarmi, ma ben presto questo blog avrà una frequenza più sporadica rispetto a prima. 
La ragione è molto semplice: finalmente sono riuscito a trovare un lavoro, a partire dal prossimo Lunedì. 
Posso dire apertamente che la paga oraria è 25CAD $, circa un aumento del 100% rispetto a quello precedente a Milano. 
Come Michel de Montaigne ha dichiarato: "l'ambizione non è un vizio per le persone piccole" e io cercherò di fare del mio meglio per imparare il più possibile durante gli straordinari e ottenere un salario migliore. 
Ovviamente mi piace il mio tempo libero, ed anche tenermi in contatto con i genitori, parenti e amici. Purtroppola prossima settimana inizierà un inferno completo, ma uno che ho scelto da me.
Inoltre, dove si potrebbe trovare in Italia un datore di lavoro che paga così bene da permetterti di acquistare un iPhone4 con un la paga di una settimana? 

Quindi non fatevi prendere dal panico, la gente Towel Day, dopo tutto).  
Tornerò presto,


mercoledì 23 maggio 2012

Capaci, 20 years after

Today is not one of those days you can not forget.
Exactly 20 years ago there was the Capaci Massacre in which 5 persons died. They were the anti-mafia judge Giovanni Falcone, his wife Francesca Morvillo and the three armed escort agents Vito Schifani, Rocco Dicillo, Antonio Montinaro. More than 20 people were injuried during that same bomb attack.
I was 10 years old at that time and I don't remember every detail, but there's something I can not forget even today.
My father used to be a policeman for more than 20 years and he wasn't retired yet in 1992. I can not forget him staring the television watching the news, and I remember still now his rage and frustration.
After 20 years not every responsible person isn't been arrested yet. This is due to secret that the Italian State decided to apply on the investigation beacuse the alleged involvement of Italian Secret Service high level agents in the bomb attack.
Definitely not a good day for our story, but we have to strive to get all the answers and not to forget.

In this pic, the two anti-mafia judges Giovanni Falcone (on the left) and Paolo Borsellino; both of them died in two separate bomb attacks plotted by the mafia.

A song performed by a famous thriller author, Giorgio Faletti, during the 1994 San Remo Musical Festival about the massacre.


Oggi non è di quei giorni che si possano dimenticare.

Esattamente 20 anni fa ci fu la strage di Capaci in cui morirono 5 persone. Erano il giudice antimafia Giovanni Falcone, sua moglie Francesca Morvillo e i tre agenti della scorta Vito Schifani, Rocco Dicillo, Antonio Montinaro. Altre 20 persone furono ferite durante l'attentato stesso.

Avevo 10 anni allora e non ricordo ogni dettaglio, ma c'è qualcosa che non posso dimenticare ancora oggi. Mio padre è stato un poliziotto per più di 20 anni ed era in servizio attivo nel 1992. Lo ricordo davanti alla televisione quando ha guardato il telegiornale, e mi ricordo ancora adesso la sua rabbia e frustrazione.

Dopo 20 anni non tutti i responsabili ancora sono stati arrestati. Ciò è dovuto al segreto che lo Stato italiano ha deciso di porre sull'inchiesta a causa del presunto coinvolgimento nell'attentato di agenti di alto livello dei servizi segreti.

Sicuramente non un buon giorno per la nostra storia, ma dobbiamo cercare di ottenere tutte le risposte e per non dimenticare.


martedì 22 maggio 2012

A month after

Yesterday it was Victoria Day, my first one here in Canada, and I realized it was an important day for me. In fact,  I've spent my first International Experience month here. So far, so good, I could say that.
Well, I've to admit that the past weekend wasn't an easy one. Saturady night I was in the right mood to hang out with some guys when I read the news about the earthquake in Emilia, a central Italian Region. My little sister lives not so far - if you compare it with the North American distances - from there and I spent most of the night awake craving for her news.
I wish I was a better student in my geography class, because there are some mountains between where my sister lives and the epicentre. By the way I suppose that in certain circumstances the rational mind stops to work properly and I would be worried for her even if I was a Ph.D in Geography.
I can not mention that during this earthquake some people, 7 if I'm right, died for a crumble of a plat or other related to earthquake reasons. What a pity.
I do really hope that all this earthquake story will vanish into thin air.
Fortunately on Sunday the anxiety disappeared and I went out for a drive (or promenade en voiture if you prefer) along with my room mate to the Rockies and Kananaskis. I won't annoy you with petty descriptions. There's just a word for decribe them: "Majestic!"

Well, actually the last pic does't depict the Rockies but myself before to die for fear during my first helicopter ride. I'm still here, so maybe it means I have to annoy you more with this blog. :)
Take care,


And now, ladies and gentlemen, an important announcement.
In accordance with Canadian traditions, even this blog becomes bilingual. No, I'm sorry (E.), I'm not going to translate in French. Maybe someone among you knows that Italians have some issues with France.
So, this blog second language will be the Italian. In this way, people that can not understand English such as me and my mother can follow this blog too.

Ieri era il Victoria Day, il mio primo qui in Canada, e mi sono reso conto che fosse una giornata importante per me. In effetti, ho appena trascorso il mio primo mese qui. Fin qui, tutto bene.

Beh, devo ammettere che il week-end passato non sia stato facile. Sabato notte ero dell'umore giusto per uscire con alcuni ragazzi quando ho letto la notizia del terremoto in Emilia. Mia sorella non vive così lontano - se lo si confronta con le distanze del Nord America - da lì e ho trascorso la maggior parte della notte sveglio in attesa di sue notizie.

Avrei voluto essere uno studente migliore in geografia, perché ci sono alcune tra le montagne dove vive mia sorella e l'epicentro.Credo però che in certe circostanze la mente razionale smetta di funzionare correttamente e mi sarei preoccupato per lei anche se fossi stato un Dottore in Geografia.

Non posso evitare di dire che durante questo terremoto alcune persone, 7 se ho ragione, siano morte per un crollo per un terremoto e per altre cause collegate.

Io mi auguro davvero che tutta questa storia del terremoto passi presto.

Fortunatamente domenica l'ansia è scomparsa e sono uscito a fare un giro (o promenade en voiture, se si preferisce) con il mio compagno di stanza per le Montagne Rocciose e Kananaskis. Non ti infastidire con delle inutili descrizioni. C'è solo una parola per abbagliati loro: "Maestose!" (Le foto sono sopra.)

mercoledì 16 maggio 2012

Dio is dead

Someone among you could know that Dio in Italian language means God.
By the way, this post is not about religion but metal.
Two years ago Ronnie James Dio died for a stomach cancer.
I realize that metal will never deserve a doodle, but this is history of the music.
So long, Ronnie.

lunedì 14 maggio 2012

Italians do it better

When someone says Italians do it better, one recalls immediately Madonna's quote and its true meaning: the Italian cuisine.
It's quite obvious that the meaning was another one, but I'm here to talk about pasta.
Every Italian male, if he doesn't want to become a romantic fat guy, learns how to cook some dishes.
Well, there's another quite important reason to learn cooking, for a male, and it's a date. Women, and I fancy even men, like to see the partner cooking. It's a very effective seduction strategy.
Thus, if either you want to impress someone or you like Italian food, I'm going to write down the receipe for the ragù alla bolognese.

Ingredients (for 4 people)
  • 320gr egg pasta (Tagliatelle are the best pick);
  • 80gr bacon;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 celery stick;
  • 40gr butter;
  • 80gr minced pork meat;
  • 80gr minced beef meat;
  • 400ml warmed consomme;
  • 100ml red wine;
  • 400gr tomato puree;
  • 1 tsp tomato concentrate;
  • 50gr parmigiano cheese;
  • salt and pepper.
Instructions (1hr time)
Chop bacon, carrot, onion and celery together; put the butter into a casserole let the chop vegetables wither for 15 minutes, be careful do not get them golden.
Add theminced meat and brown it, stiring on a high flame; then add 50ml of wine, let them reduce by an half and sprinkle with 100ml of consomme.
When all the liquid is dryied, add the remaining wine and  another 100ml of consomme along with the tomato concentrate.
Let the ragù (the sauce) reduce by another bit, then add another 100ml of consomme, the tomato puree and continue with the cooking till the sauce thickens.
Put salt, pepper and 100ml of consomme, cover the sauce with a lid and stire the sauce on a low flame.
Cook the pasta (tagliatelle), drain it, and put the parmigiano cheese.
Put the most part of the sauce in the pasta, mixed the, and the cover up the past with the remaing sauce.
The result sholud be similar (hopefully better)  of this one

Buon appetito!

domenica 13 maggio 2012

All that jazz

It seems to me that I write some new posts for this blog only during the weekends. Maybe could be either because I'm terribly lazy or due to mt annoying days spent in job searches. Thus, on weekends I've reserve some time to have time and allow to my stressed brain to have some rest.
Where should you go on Friday night with a post title like that? At the Beat Niq Jazz and Social Club obviously. Unfortunately, I guess it's the only place here in Calgary where you may eat delicious Canadian food and listen to very skilled jazz musicians, like Terell Stafford.
Check this video out and you'll start loving jazz.

By the way, for the one of you don't know that, go to a jazz club with a lady. It's the perfect place to be a couple.

About good company, I should mention Alpha House where I started this morning with a voluntary work for their Shelter Food Program during Sunday lunches.
Why? Because, as you may read at their home page, Alpha House strives to provide a safe and caring environment for individuals are affected by alcohol and other drug dependencies.

That's all folks.
Take care and good night.

P.s. #1: Merry Mother's Day!
P.s. #2:  I've added Poland, UK and Turkey to my map. Cool.  

lunedì 7 maggio 2012

First times

It seems that this time I have something to talk about, so let's talk about meetup.
I heard the word "meetup" actually just few days ago from D., an Italian gut who lives here in Calgary too.
For everyone among you who doesn't know about meetup, I'll make a long story short: they're group of people that meet due to interests in common. Those could be movies, musicals, the need to know new people in a new city, an insane passione for Chinese pots or whatever else.
My suggestion is: go to Meetup, search for a city and browse among the groups. You'll find for sure someone fits to you. You could enjoy a night at theatre - watching a hauntingly pleasant musical based on Mary Shelley's Frankestein - or The Avengers in a super cool 3D movie theatre.
Few pics shooted during the meetup weekend follow:

Talking about first times, I've to mention my first time as Italian language teacher. My roommate is so avid to learn Italian that I started explaining him a bit of conversation in the easiest way I know, the songs.
It was pretty funny because I decided to show him videos of Elio e Le storie Stese, a quite popular band in Italy well known for their mix of comedy and very good music.
Hope you enjoy and have fun with this video from theri performance at the Sanremo Musical Festival 1996 edition, when they scored the 2nd position.

Just a last comment: there are people from Russia reading my blog. It's cool, not such as a fez, but cool. I can start collecting nations like in Risk! :)
That's all, folks


mercoledì 2 maggio 2012

A day at Marlborough Mall

It's not so glamorous like "A day at the races", but it's impossible to live in North America and don't go to a mall. So, better soon than later.
I have been thinking about going to WalMart since few days and today I've decided to go after two interviews (I won't mention the recruitment agencies, wait and see).
Well, when I got off at Marlborough LRT Station I was really shocked!
I was at some big malls in the hinterland of Milan, but this one? I've never seen a mall that you can't literally seen when it ends.
It took me almost two hours to buy everything I needed in Dollarama, Shoppers Drug Mart and WalMart.
This last one deserves a special mention. I've heard of WalMart before from some friends of mine who went to USA, or I sometimes saw one of them in the movies. Being inside one of them is completely different.
It could sound stupid hearing that for North Americans, but there is nothing similar in Italy. The WalMart was so terrifically huge that I had almost a panick attack, being afraid to get lost inside that place.
I felt a similar sense of extraneousness every time I go to one of the skyscrapers of downtown. People really seem insects and I fear that sooner or later something should crumble.
By the way, in spite of my awful sense of direction, I've managed to come back home and now I can write you this not so intelligent stuff.
I salute you with this video from "Into the Wild" soundtrack.

Good night,


Ps: what's wrong with you? Why I have to go to Co-op or Safeway for fresh salads. Salads aren't just for rabbits. :)