domenica 29 aprile 2012

New city, new house, new blog.

Hi everybody,
maybe there sould be a Bio section somewhere in this blog but I'm just landed here and please give me time to learn this Blogspot. :)
By the way, I'm Luigi, a 30 years old Italian citizien moved from Taranto (quite Southern Italy) to Calgary, Alberta (Southern Canada but not so warm like the Southern Italy).
Why this move in? Well, for 3 main reasons I guess:
1) it's not the better time for the Italian economy;
2) maybe it's the best time for the Alberta economy;
3) I'm fool enough to cross an ocean just I wanted to try to live abroad.
So, this should be a kind of a (not so private) journal of my 6 months - for now - experience here in Calgary.
I promise to post some new comments sometime, and post some photos too.
I can't promise you write using an horrible English and complaing about how much I miss my mother's pastasciutta.
That's all folks, for now.
Take care and enjoy the blog!
Good night and good luck.


4 commenti:

  1. I'll follow you here.
    I hope your sweet mum will not stop loving you for this diary in english... 
    Ti voglio bene! 

    1. I know for sure.
      Learning English would be ask her too much. :*

  2. Hi there, young brain!
    Have fun while abroad - and maybe we'll find a way to ship pastasciutta al dente to you.
    Until then, ciao!

    1. It would be nice.
      Otherwise I've to come back to my cooking moments. :)
