domenica 13 maggio 2012

All that jazz

It seems to me that I write some new posts for this blog only during the weekends. Maybe could be either because I'm terribly lazy or due to mt annoying days spent in job searches. Thus, on weekends I've reserve some time to have time and allow to my stressed brain to have some rest.
Where should you go on Friday night with a post title like that? At the Beat Niq Jazz and Social Club obviously. Unfortunately, I guess it's the only place here in Calgary where you may eat delicious Canadian food and listen to very skilled jazz musicians, like Terell Stafford.
Check this video out and you'll start loving jazz.

By the way, for the one of you don't know that, go to a jazz club with a lady. It's the perfect place to be a couple.

About good company, I should mention Alpha House where I started this morning with a voluntary work for their Shelter Food Program during Sunday lunches.
Why? Because, as you may read at their home page, Alpha House strives to provide a safe and caring environment for individuals are affected by alcohol and other drug dependencies.

That's all folks.
Take care and good night.

P.s. #1: Merry Mother's Day!
P.s. #2:  I've added Poland, UK and Turkey to my map. Cool.  

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